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Bridge of HOPE Montgomery (BoHM)
400 Eastern Blvd., Suite 200A, Montgomery, AL 36117
Why Are We Needed
For many ex-offenders, the months prior to release were a time of intense fear and insecurity. That time of duress is sometimes referred to as “gate fever.” The truth is, the problems awaiting ex-offenders are often overwhelming. They have not returned to the same world they left behind — things have changed. Their family and friends have gone on with life. Neighborhoods have grown older. Prices have increased on everything. Technology has become more challenging. Nothing is the same.
For years, decisions were made for them by the Department of Corrections. They were told what to eat, what to wear, where to go, and what to do. Now suddenly they must make a myriad of decisions about life in the free world — a place that may no longer feel like home, but more like a foreign country. The challenge we have is to prepare to help returning ex-offenders during their long journey to a better life.
The Prison Fellowship Ministries has compiled an excellent document of the Biblical Basis for Reentry Ministry. Click the below link to view the document.
How We Can Help Those Returning to Society
TIME MANAGEMENT: We can help you find work and show you how to live a life which will be fulfilling and rewarding. Helping to put balance into a life filled with challenges and often out of balance.
FINDING A MENTOR: We can help you find a mentor which will encourage you to take time for self-examination and assist you in the navigation of life during challenging moments.
SENSE OF COMMUNITY: We can help you fit back into the community. Currently offering Transition Small Groups to aid in the adjustment process with peer-to-peer counseling. MEN: Thursdays 6pm – 8pm. WOMEN: To Be Announced.
The Services
Our Mission: To assist formerly incarcerated men and women returning to society through cooperative efforts with other individuals and entities.
The mission for BoHM OneStep ReEntry is not to be a primary provider of the immediate or ongoing needs of the ex-offender, but a referral organization. We will look for and document the organizations which are currently providing the needed services. We also pay close attention to the gaps in services and endeavor to do our best to fine a provider of said services. When all else fail we will do what we can to provide the service ourselves.